Join the Bot Libre open source project at


Bot Libre vs. Some Other Guys

Bot Libre
Some Other Guys
Wide Range of Free Features
Easy 10 Click Building Process
Speech / 3D Avatars / Metaverse
Language independent—supports any language
Only small handful of languages supported
Open Source
Or only partial
Intents / Conversation Flows
AI Analytics
Social Media Integration
Integrated with over 12 social & chat platforms
Integration typically requires additional development

Bot Libre offers a rich set of features for creating, monitoring, and access your bots and content.


Bot Libre makes it easy to create your own bot
  • One click bot creation
  • Choose from library of bot templates
  • Fork existing bots
  • Private, restricted, and hidden access control
  • Tag and categorize


Browse bot directory of thousands of bots
  • Search by category, tag, keywords
  • Sort by popularity, date, size
  • Browse or create your own workspaces


Chat with your bot anywhere
  • Chat with realistic voice
  • Chat with real emotions
  • Chat with rich HTML and JavaScript
  • Chat with buttons, links, and commands
  • Chat on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype, Kik, WeChat, Slack, email, SMS, IVR
  • Chat in live chat channel or chatroom
  • Chat from mobile app


Choose or design your bot's own 3D animated video avatar
  • Upload images, video, and audio from phone or web
  • Choose from shared avatar library
  • Tag media with emotions, actions, and poses to let your bot express itself
  • Embed avatar on your own website with JavaScript and mobile SDK


Chat with realistic voice, and speech recognition
  • Choose voice and language
  • Choose mobile voice and language
  • Talk on mobile, or through Google Chrome
  • Free TTS web API


Make your own Twitterbot
  • Automate Twitter account
  • Respond to mentions and friends status updates
  • Search and process tweets
  • Retweet keywords
  • Tweet RSS feeds
  • Schedule auto-tweets
  • Import tweets


Automate your Facebook account or page
  • Chat on Facebook Messenger in realtime
  • Chat with buttons, images and links
  • Automate Facebook account or page
  • Respond to feed posts and comments
  • Post an RSS feed
  • Schedule auto-posts


Automate your Instagram account
  • Chat on Instagram in realtime
  • Chat with quick reply button or text
  • Automate Instagram account
  • Respond to feed posts and comments
  • Post an RSS feed
  • Schedule auto-posts


Create a bot for Skype
  • Respond to chat messages in realtime
  • Connect you bot to the Microsoft Bot Framework
  • Connect with Bing, Cortona, Kik, and more


Create a bot for Telegram
  • Respond to chat messages in realtime
  • Manage a channel
  • Post an RSS feed
  • Schedule auto-posts


Create a bot for Kik
  • Respond to chat messages in realtime


Create a bot for WeChat
  • Respond to chat messages in realtime
  • Manage a WeChat official account


Create a bot for WhatsApp
  • Respond to chat messages in realtime
  • Manage a WhatsApp account


Create a bot for Slack
  • Monitor a multi user channel
  • Respond to targeted, or key questions
  • Post an RSS feed
  • Schedule auto-posts


Create a bot for SMS text messaging or Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Connect your bot to Twilio SMS & IVR
  • Reply to SMS messages, send SMS messages from chat or social media
  • Answer voice phone calls, initiate voice calls from chat or social media
  • Automate call centers or answering machines


Create a bot for Amazon Alexa
  • Deploy your bot to Alexa's skills directory
  • Enable access to your business on Alexa devices
  • Create your own business or personal assistant

Google Home

Create a bot for Google Home and Google Assistant
  • Deploy your bot to Google's actions directory
  • Enable access to your business on Google Home devices
  • Create your own business or personal assistant


Embed your bot on your own webite, or mobile app
  • Embed tab makes embedding easy
  • 5 different embedding options
  • Copy HTML or JavaScript code to your website or blog
  • Use the web API to access from web or mobile
  • Use the JavaScript SDK to build your own web app
  • Use the mobile SDK to build your own mobile app


Train your bot through conversation, chat logs, or scripting
  • No programming required
  • Bot's can learn through conversation
  • Correct your bot's responses while chatting
  • Train your bot with keywords, topics, synonyms, sentiment, and context
  • Graphical response editor with buttons, images, and rich media
  • Import response lists, chat logs, AIML, and program scripts


Script your bot with Self scripts, or AIML
  • Script conversations with our powerful Self scripting language (JavaScript dialect)
  • Import and export standard AIML scripts
  • Import or share scripts in our script library
  • Let your bot program itself through machine learning


Each bot has its own integrated object database
  • Browse and edit knowledge from Knowledge Browser
  • Import and export data as JSON, XML, and CSV
  • Import data from the web and web services
  • Use and persist knowledge and data from scripts

Timers & Bot Services

Automate tasks using timers
  • Schedule bot to perform tasks on set intervals
  • Follow up on social media interactions
  • Administer mailing lists
  • Access your bot's knowledge and script processing through a JSON web service

Web Services

Use web services to connect your bot with anything
  • Call JSON and XML web services from scripts
  • Scrape HTML data from webpages
  • Built-in classes for Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Slack, GoogleCalendar, Email, Twilio SMS, WolframAlpha, WikiData, Wiktionary, Http, and more
  • Built-in services for XML, JSON, HTML, WikiData, Wiktionary, AIML SRAIX, Pannous, PersonalityForge


Monitor, review, and correct your bot's conversations
  • Chat Logs tab makes monitoring your bot easy
  • Filter conversations, responses, and flagged phrases
  • Show response context, keywords, and topic
  • Correct, invalidate, or flag responses
  • Import or export chat logs, response lists, or AIML


Graph and analyse your bot's performance and engagement
  • Analytics tab provides key statistics and charts
  • Track conversations, messages, engaged conversations, confidence, and sentiment
  • Graph and compare multiple difference statisitcs
  • View live data, week, month, or all data

Deep Learning

Create deep learning analytics for image classification, or to analyze data
  • Free open library of deep learning analytics
  • Analytics web API
  • Upload Tensorflow deep learning neural networks
  • Classify images, and analyze data

Live Chat

Integrate your bot with live chat
  • Create live chat channels and chatrooms
  • Embed live chat on your own website or mobile app
  • Have your bot monitor your channel when your not available
  • Let your bot learn from your live chat conversations


Create your own forums
  • Create a forum for your bot
  • Embed forums on your own website or mobile app
  • Browse Bot Libre's Help and Info forums

Issue Tracking

Create your own issue tracker
  • Track issues, bugs, features, task, and service requests
  • Embed your issue tracker on your own website or mobile app
  • Access and post issues and service requests from your bot

Web Hosting

Host your own chat or bot website
  • Link a subdomain to your bot's personal website
  • Edit your bot's page header and footer in HTML
  • Add your own Ads or other content


Makes building your own website or mobile app easy
  • Access chat bots, live chat, and forums from web API
  • Use the JavaScript SDK to integrate with your website
  • Reuse SDK mobile Android and iOS components in your own app


Train your bot in any language
  • Bots can learn in any language
  • Support for UTF-8 character sets
  • Choose voice's language
  • Automatic chat translation


Bot Libre is a free service
  • Free bot, live chat, and forum hosting
  • Open API and open source SDK
  • Upgrade to commercial hosting on Bot Libre for Business

Artificial Intelligence Engine

Create a bot with a real brain.
  • Each bot has its own brain, which you can browse
  • Bot's knowledgebase stores interconnected information, not simple text
  • Bot's remember everything about every interaction
  • Bot's can forget less important information when brain is full
  • Bot's can learn in context through conversation and mimicry
  • Bot's have concept of self, and others
  • Bot's have a mind, awareness, conciousness, and emotions
  • Bot's can be scripted through Self state machines and AIML
  • Bot's can understand and answer basic phrases
  • Bot's can program their own state machine through conversation analysis
  • Bot's can automatically lookup things on Wikidata, Wiktionary, or Pannous
  • Bot's can access XML and JSON web services, and scrape HTML webpages
  • When bot's import knowledge from Wikidata, they can answer questions on it
  • Bot's can perform complex mathematics
  • Bot's have concept of date and time
  • Bot's can converse in multi-user conversations and chatrooms
  • Bot's can chat on email, Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, Kik, Slack, WeChat, SMS, and IVR